About Me

christian 2 sepia quadratG`Day, folks! My name is Christian Sperling. I`m an architect from Berlin, born in 1979. Having spent nearly my whole life in the German capital city I came to the conclusion that it was time for a big cut. I consigned my rented flat to a young couple from Slovakia including all my hand-made constructions as well as lots of furniture and stocked most of my other belongings into a 3 m² self storage cell. Midst of October 2012 I traveled to Brisbane, Australia, looking for a twist and fresh challenges to be accomplished. Since I have no precise plan but a few ideas how to start into a new life Down Under, I expect some exciting, unpredictable things to happen. As a kind of diary and to keep family and friends informed I created this blog. It is sequel to my blog http://www.sperlingdownunder.wordpress.com which covers the first 6 months of my journey.

Feel free to comment, to ask questions or to say just hello. I will appreciate that!

Take care –

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